Insulation Resistance (IR) Values - Index

1.   IR values for Electrical Apparatus & Systems

2.   IR Value for Transformer

3.   IR Value for Tap Changer

4.   IR Value for Electric Motor

5.   IR Value for Electrical cable and wiring

6.   IR Value for Transmission / Distribution Line

7.   IR Value for Panel Bus

8.   IR Value for Substation Equipment

9.   IR Value for Domestic / Industrial Wiring

Required Precautions


1.   IR Values for Electrical Apparatus & Systems


Max. Voltage Rating of Equipment

Megger Size

Min. IR Value

250 Volts

500 Volts

25 MΩ

500 Volts

1,000 Volts

100 MΩ

5 KV

2,500 Volts

1,000 MΩ

8 KV

2,500 Volts

2,000 MΩ

15 KV

2,500 Volts

5,000 MΩ

25 KV

5,000 Volts

20,000 MΩ

35 KV

15,000 Volts

100,000 MΩ

46 KV

15,000 Volts

100,000 MΩ

69 KV

15,000 Volts

100,100 MΩ


< 1KV = 1MΩ minimum

>1KV = 1 MΩ / 1KV


As per IE Rules-1956


At a pressure of 1000 V applied between each live conductor and earth for a period of one minute the insulation resistance of HV installations shall be at least 1 Mega ohm or as specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards.


Medium and Low Voltage Installations- At a pressure of 500 V applied between each live conductor and earth for a period of one minute, the insulation resistance of medium and low voltage installations shall be at least 1 Mega ohm or as specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards] from time to time.


As per CBIP specifications, the acceptable values are 2 Mega ohms per KV


2.   IR Values for the Transformer


Insulation resistance tests are made to determine insulation resistance from individual windings to ground or between individual windings. Insulation resistance tests are commonly measured directly in megohms or may be calculated from measurements of applied voltage and leakage current.

The recommended practice in measuring insulation resistance is to always ground the tank (and the core). Short circuit each winding of the transformer at the bushing terminals. Resistance measurements are then made between each winding and all other windings 

                                 Insulation resistance testing: HV – Earth and HV – LV

Transformer windings are never left floating for insulation resistance measurements. Solidly grounded winding must have the ground removed in order to measure the insulation resistance of the winding grounded. If the ground cannot be removed, as in the case of some windings with solidly grounded neutrals, the insulation resistance of the winding cannot be measured. Treat it as part of the grounded section of the circuit.


We need to test winding to winding and winding to ground (E). For three phase transformers, we need to test winding (L1, L2, L3) with substitute Earthing for Delta transformer or winding (L1, L2, L3) with earthing (E) and neutral (N) for wye transformers.




IR Value for Transformer

(Ref: A Guide to Transformer Maintenance by.

JJ. Kelly.  S.D Myer)



 1 Phase Transformer

 IR Value (MΩ) = C X E / (√KVA)

 3 Phase Transformer (Star)

 IR Value (MΩ) = C X E (P - n) / (√KVA)

 3 Phase Transformer (Delta)

 IR Value (MΩ) = C X E (P - P) / (√KVA)

 Where C= 1.5 for oil filled T/C with Oil Tank, 30 for Oil filled T/C without  

 Oil Tank or Dry Type T/C


Temperature correction Factor (Base 20°C):


Temperature correction Factor



Correction Factor


























Example: For 1600kVA, 20kV/400V, Three Phase Transformer


·         IR Value at HV Side= (1.5 x 20000) / √1600 = 16000 / 40 = 750 MΩ at 20°C

·         IR Value at LV Side= (1.5 x 400) / √1600 = 320 / 40 = 15 MΩ at 20°C

·         IR Value at 30°C = 15 x 1.98 = 29.7 MΩ


Insulation Resistance of Transformer Coil


Transformer Coil Voltage

Megger Size

Min. IR Value Liquid Filled T/C

Min. IR Value Dry Type T/C

0 – 600 V

1 KV

100 MΩ

500 MΩ

600 V to 5 KV

2.5 KV

1,000 MΩ

5,000 MΩ

5 KV to 15 KV

5 KV

5,000 MΩ

25,000 MΩ

15 KV to 69 KV

5 KV

10,000 MΩ

50,000 MΩ


Insulation Resistance of Transformer Coil



Test Voltage (DC)

LV Side

Test Voltage (DC)

HV Side

Min. IR Value

415 V

500 V

2.5 KV

100 MΩ

Up to 6.6 KV

500 V

2.5 KV

200 MΩ

6.6 KV to 11 KV

1000 V

2.5 KV

400 MΩ

11 KV to 33 KV

1000 V

5 KV

500 MΩ

33 KV to 66 KV

1000 V

5 KV

600 MΩ

66 KV to 132 KV

1000 V

5 KV

600 MΩ

132 KV to 220 KV

1000 V

5 KV

650 MΩ



Steps for measuring the IR of Transformer:

·         Shut down the transformer and disconnect the jumpers and lightning arrestors.

·         Discharge the winding capacitance.

·         Thoroughly clean all bushings.

·         Short circuit the windings.

·         Guard the terminals to eliminate surface leakage over terminal bushings.

·         Record the temperature.

·         Connect the test leads (avoid joints).

·         Apply the test voltage and note the reading. The IR. Value at 60 seconds after application of the test voltage is referred to as the Insulation Resistance of the transformer at the test temperature.

·         The transformer Neutral bushing is to be disconnected from earth during the test.

·         All LV surge diverter earth connections are to be disconnected during the test.

·         Due to the inductive characteristics of transformers, the insulation resistance reading shall not be taken until the test current stabilizes.

·         Avoid meggering when the transformer is under vacuum.


Test conditions of Transformer for IR Test (Not Less than 200 M)


Two winding transformers

1.      (HV + LV) – GND

2.      HV – (LV + GND)

3.      LV – (HV + GND)


Three winding transformers

1.      HV – (LV + TV + GND)

2.      LV – (HV + TV + GND)

3.      (HV + LV + TV) – GND

4.      TV – (HV + LV + GND)


Auto transformer (Two windings)

1.      (HV + LV) - GND


Auto transformer (Three windings)

1.      (HV + LV) – (TV + GND)

2.      (HV + LV + TV) – GND

3.      TV – (HV + LV + GND)


For any installation, the insulation resistance measured shall not be less than:


·         HV – Earth 200 MΩ

·         LV – Earth 100 MΩ

·         HV – LV 200 MΩ


Factors affecting on IR value of Transformer


The IR value of transformers are influenced by

·         Surface condition of the terminal bushing

·         Quality of oil

·         Quality of winding insulation

·         Temperature of oil

·         Duration of application and value of test voltage


1.   IR Value for tap changer


·         IR between HV and LV as well as windings to earth.

·         Minimum IR value for Tap changer is 1000 ohm per volt service voltage.


2.   IR Value for Electric motor


For electric motor, we used a insulation tester to measure the resistance of motor winding with earthing (E).


·         For rated voltage below 1KV, measured with a 500VDC Megger.

·         For rated voltage above 1KV, measured with a 1000VDC Megger.

·         In accordance with IEEE 43, clause 9.3, the following formula should be applied.

·         Min IR value (For Rotating Machine) = (Rated voltage (v) / 1000) + 1

                          Insulation resistance (IR) value for electric motor

As per IEEE 43 standard 1974, 2000

IR Value in MΩ


IR (Min) = kV+1

For most windings made before about 1970, all field windings, and others not described below

IR (Min) = 100 MΩ

For most dc armature and ac windings built after about 1970 (form wound coils)

IR (Min) = 5 MΩ

For most machines with random – wound stator coils and form-wound coils rated below 1kV


Example - 1: For 11KV, Three Phase Motor.


·         IR Value = 11+1=12 MΩ but as per IEEE43 It should be 100MΩ


Example - 2: For 415V, Three Phase Motor.


·         IR Value = 0.415+1=1.41 MΩ but as per IEEE43 It should be 5MΩ

·         As per IS 732 Min IR Value of Motor = (20XVoltage(p-p/(1000+2XKW)


IR Value of Motor as per NETA ATS 2007. Section 7.15.1


Motor Name

Plate (V)



Min. IR


250 V

500 V DC

25 MΩ

600 V

1000 V DC

100 MΩ

1000 V

1000 V DC

100 MΩ

2500 V

1000 V DC

500 MΩ

5000 V

2500 V DC

1000 MΩ

8000 V

2500 V DC

2000 MΩ

15000 V

2500 V DC

5000 MΩ

25000 V

5000 V DC

20000 MΩ

34500 V

15000 V DC

100000 MΩ


IR Value of Submersible Motor:


As per IEEE 43 standard 1974, 2000

IR Value in MΩ


New Motor

20 MΩ

A used motor which can be reinstalled

10 MΩ

Motor Installed in Well (with Cable)


New Motor

2 MΩ

A used motor which can be reinstalled

0.5 MΩ

1.   IR Value for Electrical cable and wiring


For insulation testing, we need to disconnect from panel or equipment and keep them isolated from power supply. The wiring and cables need to test for each other ( phase to phase ) with a ground ( E ) cable. The Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association (IPCEA) provides the formula to determine minimum insulation resistance values.


             R = K x Log 10 (D/d)


R = IR Value in MΩs per 1000 feet (305 meters) of cable.

K = Insulation material constant. (Varnished, Cambric =2460, Thermoplastic, Polyethylene = 50000, Composite Polyethylene=30000)
D = Outside diameter of conductor insulation for single conductor wire and cable (D = d + 2c + 2b diameter of single conductor cable)
d – Diameter of conductor
c – Thickness of conductor insulation
b – Thickness of jacket insulation


HV test on new XLPE cable (As per ETSA Standard)





Min. IR


New cables –



100 MΩ

New cables –


10 KV DC

1000 MΩ

After repairs –



10 MΩ

After repairs –



1000 MΩ


11kV and 33kV Cables between Cores and Earth (As per ETSA Standard)





Min. IR


11kV New cables –



1000 MΩ

11kV After repairs –



100 MΩ

33kV no TF’s connected


1000 MΩ

33kV with TF’s connected


15 MΩ