Voltage drop on the
reactors and at the same time voltage rise on the capacitors is:
ΔU =( 𝑓n∗𝑓n / fr∗fr−fn∗fn ) *100 in %
fr = √ (100 ∗ 𝑓n∗𝑓n)/P
ΔU: Voltage rise on capacitors in %
fn: Nominal frequency
fr: Resonant frequency of
the filter
p: Detuning factor in %.
The detuning factor in % is
defined as the reactance of the reactor in the percentage of the reactance of the capacitor.
For example p=7% means IXLI
= 7% of IXCI
Requested data:
Nominal power of Power Factor Correction Step: 25kvar and 50kvar
Nominal system voltage: 400V
Nominal frequency: 50Hz
Detuning factor: 7% means the filter frequency is 189Hz
ΔU = (50 * 50) /(189 * 189 - 50 *50) *100 in % = 7.525%
It means the minimum voltage on capacitors will be 400V*1.07525 = 430,1V
Due to this reason and
considering voltage-high harmonics we should select a capacitor with a nominal voltage of at least 480V 50Hz or 525V 50Hz.
Calculations of capacitance depend on the power factor correction step:
Qc: Power of PFC step in kvar
Un: Nominal system voltage in V
fn = Nominal Frequency in Hz
ΔU = Voltage rise in %
C = Capacitance in µF
In case of PFC step is
25kvar at 400V 50Hz p=7%:
Qc = 25kvar
Un = 400V
fn = 50Hz
ΔU = 7.525%
C = Qc / ( 2 * π * 50 * 400 * 400 ( 1 + 7.525 / 100 )*109
If we calculate with previous data, C = 462.55µF or 3x154.18µF because of Delta connection capacitor windings into the capacitor.
The proper capacitor for such a case can be:
If we select capacitor with
nominal voltage 440V 50Hz: KNK3053 28.1kvar (C=3x154µF) 440V 50Hz
If we select capacitor with
nominal voltage 480V 50Hz: KNK3053 33.5kvar (C=3x154.3µF) 480V 50Hz