Digital Protection &
Measurement Device
GIPAM (Digital Integrated Protection & monitoring Device)
& GIMAC (Digital Integrated Measurement & Control Device)
ü IED [Intelligent Electronic Device]
1. Protection
2. Measurement
3. Monitoring
4. Controlling
5. Recording
6. Communication
She Digital Relays
Switchgear with digital relay:-
u Digital Switchgear
The panel which has only one Digital Multifunctional Relay
for realizing high-reliability, high stability, high-performance, and
convenience instead of many analog devices.
u Advantage of the
switchgear based on Digital Relay
• Various Protection, Measuring & Monitoring functions
are included in one unit (1 relay for 1 PNL)
• Able to minimize a lot of meters, relays, switches, lamps,
control circuits to only one device.
< Analog type
switchgear >
• Convenient
to analyze a cause of fault with Event / Fault Recording function.
• Easy to build a data communication System.
- Not necessary to use any additional device for SCADA sys.
(TD,RTU, etc.)
- Simplifying cabling for data communication sys.
< Digital type